Andrea Gardijan

Andrea Gardijan

Poštovani gosti, hvala Vam što ste se odlučili posjetiti Zadar, grad tisućljetne povijesti i Zadarsku županiju koja skriva mnoge geografske, povijesne, gastronomske i druge bisere koje ću vam ja pomoći otkriti. Moje ime je Andrea Gardijan i licencirani sam turistički vodič za Zadar i Zadarsku županiju za hrvatski, engleski i francuski jezik. U mom društvu u toku vođenih tura po staroj gradskoj jezgri možete saznati sve što do sada niste znali o Zadru i njegovoj povijesti a također vam mogu ponuditi i dnevne i poludnevne izlete u Zadarskoj županiji. Radujem se što ćete mi se pridružiti u istraživanju Zadra i okolice i jamčim vam nezaboravno iskustvo!

Dear guests, thank you for choosing Zadar, the city of thousands of years of history, and Zadar County which hides many geographic, historical, gastronomic and other pearls that I will help you to discover. My name is Andrea Gardijan and I am licensed travel guide for Zadar and Zadar County for Croatian, English and French language. In my company, during guided tours in the city centre, you can discover everything you did not know about Zadar and its history. You can accompany me on half-day and full-day excursion throughout Zadar County as well. I'm looking forward exploring Zadar and its surrounding area with you and guarantee you an unforgettable experience!
