Rođen sam u Zadru 1992. godine. Od rođenja pa sve do danas živim u samom centru Zadra – u starom gradu, u istoj ulici i u istoj zgradi iz 15. stoljeća. U Zadru sam prošao sve stupnjeve obrazovanja i stekao titulu magistra ekonomije. Odrastajući i formirajući se u Zadru, postao sam jedno s ovim gradom te mu znam svaku ulicu i svaki kamen. Život u palači iz 15. stoljeća je nešto što me u ranoj dobi zainteresiralo i za dugu povijest ovoga grada.
Želju da postanem turistički vodič dobio sam na svojim putovanjima jer su se sva moja najbolja iskustva uvijek vezala uz upoznavanje pravog lokalca koji bi mi pokazao nešto što ne znaju ni turističke brošure ni Google, te sam upravo to odlučio biti za posjetitelje moga grada – istinski lokalac koji će im pokazati Zadar kakav on zaista jest – jedinstven.
I was born in Zadar in 1992. and since then I've been living in the old town – in the same street and same 15th century building. All of my education I finished in Zadar, becoming a master of economics. Growing up and forming as a person in Zadar, I became one with the city and got to know it to its core. Living in an old palace from 15th century is something that made me interested in Zadar's long history since my early age.
Desire to become a tour guide I got while traveling because all of my best experiences were always related to meeting a true local who would then show me things that couldn't be found online or in touristic brochures. This is exactly what I decided to be for the visitors of my city – a true local that will immerse them into Zadar with all of their senses.